woodland hoodlet pattern i just finished ♥

its good for picking red red berries in the woods.

and for stopping to chat with deer along the way.

sometimes deer are shy to tell you their names are lieselotte & twigs.

so take lots of pretzels with you. deer love pretzels. its the salt.

yay the little heidi spencer tour is done. it was fun because i got to sit in the dark corner and pretend i was david gilmour on the lap steel. yes i know he doesnt play lap steel. but if he did. plus i could drink as much vodka as i wanted to and chirp to myself and no one seemed to notice one bit! its a bit harder to fall over if you are sitting down. it made me love playing out again because my legs werent all wobbly-like. playing out can be nervousing. i know its not a word but it means what i mean.
so... ♥ woodland hoodlet ♥ would you like to make your very own?
here is a quick paypal link if youd like the pattern. its 5.50usd.

oooh also.. here is the quick fox hiding in the shed.
this is the only picture that wasnt so blurry ♥

*shy* xoxo
Did you try to shoo the fox out with the Daily Mail?
That's beautiful and say hello to your foxy visitor from me xoxo
i see you´re preparing yourself for winter already ♥
the fox is adorable!
The foxy is so handsome! The hoodlet is beeee-uuutiful.
Lovely fox in the shed... obviously quite startled that you came upon him/her... ! And if I did knit, I'd be tempted!
Perfect hoodlet and perfect fox, they go together like moss and rocks. I still haven't made my little needle holders and now you have this up and I so want it...
hi everybody! thanks :) valerianna~ i thought of your spirals today as i was swinging on my swing with my coffee! i could see the ink going into the paper. so so lovely.
robbie~ i can only assume he is a postman fox and has been stashing the letters he didnt feel like delivering into my shed for a long long time. lazy get.
hi jessica~ good to know im not the only one with stuff i want to do but cant find the time!!! ps. you have a surprise in your ravelry inbox ;)
This is cute!
Oooh I love it! Definitely adding to my queue.
Ooh, I do love the fox!
And of course, I am besotted with the hoodlet, so I'm off to purchase now. It looks the perfect think for long walks in the woods with Edward.
Loved the fox! I wonder if he reads the love letters?
Your hoodlet is sooo beautiful! My sister would love something like it. I love everything you have designed so far. Must catch up with you! :) ali xx
Ohh wow once again, you've really made me want to learn how to knit again, i must go through all your patterns and see which is easiest to start off with :D i love the little tassel on the hood. Plus i also want the white petticoat dress your wearing, it's wonderful!
I think that's a great photo of the foxy, he is very handsome indeed!
Oh the hoodlet is so gorgeous and perfect!
thanks all you darling lovely friends :) ooh juliet i have been trying to comment on your lovely blog for so long but it never knows me :( hearts and foxes xoxo
Oooh that looks so cosy! I look forward to the cooler autumn days because I like to wear layers of warm clothing and feel really snug. I've never seen a fox round here but I have seen deer. Several times driving home in the dark from the shop, where the road meanders through a woodland, a deer has stepped out into my headlights and I have caught my breath as I watch it gracefully cross and leap onto the opposite bank. Magical!
It's beyond gorgeous. I've been going through your blogs and patterns for the last hour. I'm just in awe....
This is such a lovely post. If I could knit a Woodland Hoodlet for myself I would definitely wear it while I was collecting berries in the forest! :-)
Your hoodlet is a beautiful design. It looks like Celtic knotwork on the front. :-)
When you look into a foxes eyes there is a special moment, like you are connecting with each other.
I have seen a fox in the woods and it was a special when we just stared at each other. Your Mr Fox is stunning. What a magical photo.
Fairy moments.
I absolutely love the hoodie! And you look so dreamy in it. The fox was worth waiting for, he is beautiful.
there´s a tag for you in my blog ^-^
Your woodland hoodlet is lovely!!
oh, how precious! the fox is too cute, and i adore your hoodlet. you're so talented, it's amazing.
I want that hoodie pullover! I especially love big hoods like that!!
And you garden is IVY-esque!
Love it all!
I like your fringe and pinky cheeks, aww!
Is that a real fox? A taxidermy one?(because if so, he looks reeaaalll)
the best lives are like real-life dreams.
you and your hoodlet and fox are adorable
Lovely capelet!
I love deers, and I love foxes!
I once saved a baby fox who had been punched by a car; he was so cute!!!
That is perfect for a cool, dewy faery jaunt in the woods! Gorgeous dear! Sending you happy thoughts.
Hello beautiful :) just got your twitter message ! Hehe... Love your little hood btw <3 <3 sending you petals and fluff xxxxxx
That is a lovely capelet and the tassle really makes it :) Oh if only I could knit....
I love the magnificent fox, what was the chance of catching such a beautiful image! Thanks for posting it.
You are up on my blog again today!
Your patterns are entrancing!
WoW, it´s beautiful. I must say my grandma to do me the same but in different colour ;o)
The woodland hoodlet is wonderful !! If only I could knit... :)
Could you pleeeeeeeeeese make a crochet version????
I would adore you forever :)
wow your knitting skills are amazing ! i would love to knit a cute hoodlet, but I still cant read pattersn that well T_T
the photos are amazing too :3
that is such a lovely idea for a hoodie
Hi there, me again: I've given you the Versatile Blogger Award. Hope you appreciate :)
It looks so devastatingly cozy!
rediscovering your blog has made my afternoon. And I'm currently listening to owl in the dark - perhaps a little too fan girl but nevermind!! I love that hood you knitted, wish I could knit. Glad to see your cats are looking as cute as ever!
Just read "nervousing" and thought what an appropriate word to describe how things sometimes are... didn't think it wasa word at all... but well, would have appreciated it...then reading your next sentence that it wasn't a word after all... too bad.
Love your unique way to see the world.
Good evening
Just wanted to show my appreciation for your time and hard work
Everything you knit is such a dream. I just bought a pattern for your 'Where the Wild Things Are' hat, but alas I'm only a beginner, it will be a while till I finish that! At any rate, I would buy everything you knit if it was ready made. Keep up the lovely craftsmanship.
stunning photo
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