ive been walking through paper castles

& having crushes on little blurry figures of smoke.

i have a cold :(
partly because i conquered kempton park antique fair on tuesday
and i got a proper chill doing so. my bones felt like ice... my fingers
were frozen and clutching tiny broken dolls and bits of old lace.

i am reading again: ♥
at the back of the north wind
by george macdonald
all of the pretty paper magics are made by *terri windling*
arent they just the loveliest? ♥
yum, enjoy your shepherds pie. I am guessing it will be made with lots of healing love for you.
These paper arts are enchanting, thank you for sharing them. Get well!
thanks darling! :) ♥
i think he put cheese on it too!
its baking right now.. yum!
yes... oh so lovely and whimsical!
The paper arts are exquisite.
Your book looks magical too. I'm very attracted by it's cover. :)
Hope you feel better soon.
eee thanks! :)
i dont actually have that book cover!!!
i was just being cheeky and using it for
the blog because its soooo pretty..
im reading it on my iphone..
i have read so many books
on my iphone lately.
i love the way the
pages flick
and its so easy to hold..
i have 500 books in my phone.
and they were all freeeeeeeeeeeee
ah im addicted to it..
i promised myself i would
but i cant help it.
oops.. i just realized
actually.. its the "virtual cover"
on my phone :)
ahhh, steph, you are a magical little wondrous sprite. :) I stop by here to tap into that childlike part of myself that truly believed in Mr. Nobody, my imaginary friend, journeyed into Art Nouveau-twined picture books, and lulled my sister to sleep with tales of skeleton islands, crayon-people villages, and libraries of books that write themselves as you live ...
I hope you are feeling better soon. Found your blog through Ravelry and love visiting, makes me feel calm and rather child like in some way. Love your style girl.
The paper works of art are incredible, wonderful things. Thanks for posting them - I have to go look at more now!
Hope you feel better. Shepherd's pie helps. Also, hot cocoa.
I've not read At the Back of the North Wind - am curious about it.
These are all so magically wonderful...I love visiting your fairytale blog x
I still find it weird and amazing that people can read books from their phones. I think it's great--reading from books or phones or computers, any which way, so long as one reads.
One thing you can't do with your IPhone, though, is create astoundingly whimsical and just plain incredible book sculptures. God, I'd like to try that!
Your post reminds me, I need to read At the Back of the North Wind again. It's such a beautiful story! I wish I had the edition you posted, though. *Sigh*
Hope you feel 100% in no time!
I love George MacDonald! Have you ever read Phantastes?
I adore Terri Windling. Her book The Wood Wife was one of the reasons I first took up writing fantastical fiction. If you have a spare minute today, could you please send some light to my old dog who died last night? I think your light would be magical. He was one of my best friends for twelve years. xx
thanks you all! ♥
cymru :)....i never thought id be an iphone reader..
but i have a cute background and the text
is deep violet... and the pages flick lightly
when i touch them.. and its tiny.. and i
can hold the whole book in one hand!
and i dont need a booklight because it is lit up!
AAAAAAHHHHHHHH im totally addicted.
@elva undine
ooh yes i adore him too.. my favourite is
the golden key.. or maybe photogen and nycteris...
i always fancied myself a little nycteris.. especially
in my goth days heh heh... when "gifts of a child
christ" came back into print in 1996 i was so excited because then i could stop borrowing it from the library over and over and over!!! *undine* is the
first illustration! lovely!
dearest dearest josephine~
i am so so so so so sorry about your lil doggy... :( (((((((hugs))))))))) nothing is more painful than that..
when its your soul mate animal... the pain is unbearable... it seems so unfair.. and you just feel terrible that something so innocent has to suffer and depart alone.... but there is nothing that can be done :( he is probably right by your side this instant.
when my soul-mate cat of 12 years died.
(i got her when i moved out on my own..
she was blind .. and tiny.. and my baby)
i was in australia... and i missed it. ...
my parents didnt tell me for fear i would lose it!!!
that night when i got into bed, a million
miles away from her.. i felt her jump up
on the bed and come up to my face...
i called my mom and said..
"whats wrong with toddy!? her spirit just
came into my room and jumped on the bed!"
and then i found out that she had passed away..
that is how i know.. that they stay with you..
sometimes she cuddles up with my new kitties.
****light and prayers to you dear tale peddler****
i know your puppy feels better now.. and he
is safe.. he is still with you .. i will be sending
my love thoughts..... ♥
ps on a lighter note;:::.
my mom was so funny... the first thing
she said in a rushed desperate whisper was
"....daamn...... your psychic-ness.......
i forgot.......!"
she never wanted me to know until i came
back home.... what a dear dear mom ♥
ppps meg.. you should write stories...
skeleton islands? i wanna read it :)
I agree with Steph, Meg. You ought to write a book, or a least of series of short stories, illustrated and twined with Art Nouveau borders.
All these images are so beautiful! Thanks for posting them :)
so magical
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